Landmark Anniversaries Calendar

A timeline of the 35 biggest world events to plan your next show.

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Our Landmark Anniversaries Calendar

We have the concepts you need for your next TV Show.

Take a look at Newsflare’s Landmark Anniversaries Calendar where we remind you of the biggest world anniversaries that are taking place this year.

These key dates will spark ideas for archivers, researchers, production managers and line producers planning shows telling the story of these historical events.

The dates included span a wide range of topics. From the world’s largest weather disasters, to the murder of George Floyd which sparked global protests, we have the dates that will inspire your next anniversary TV production.



6th Jan 2021

United States Capitol Attack

Following Donald Trump's defeat at the 2020 presidential elections, a mob of over 2,000 supporters attacked the Capitol Building in Washington DC in a bid to overturn his defeat.

7th Jan 2015

Charlie Hebdo Shooting

Two French Muslim brothers, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi killed 12 people and injured 11 others when they forced their way into the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical weekly magazine.

31st Jan 2020


Following the UK's vote to leave the European Union (EU) in 2016, the UK officially left the EU, making it the first sovereign country to have done so.


1st Feb 1994

LGBTQ History Month

LGBTQ History Month is a time to shed light on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer history, and related civil rights movements.


14th Feb 2022

Storm Eunice

Storm Eunice was an extratropical cyclone that was part of the 2021–2022 European windstorm season. This storm killed 17 people across Europe.

21st Feb 2022

Storm Franklin

Storm Franklin was part of the 2021–2022 European windstorm season and hit the UK, Ireland, France, Germany and the Netherlands, causing loss of power and 2 fatalities.

24th Feb 2022

Russia Invades Ukraine

Russia launched a wide-ranging attack on Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict that began in 2014.


4th Mar 2021

Murder of Sarah Everard

33-year-old Sarah Everard was kidnapped, raped and murdered by Metropolitan Police officer Wayne Couzens. This sparked vigils, marches and protests across London.


15th Mar 2019

Christchurch Mosque Terror Attack

Terrorist attack by Brenton Tarrant. Tarrant murdered 51 people and attempted to kill 40 more at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

15th Mar 2019

Hong Kong Protests

The Hong Kong Protests, also known as The Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement were a series of demonstrations in response to the government's introduction of the Fugitive Offenders amendment bill on extradition.

25th Mar 2020

UK Coronavirus Lockdown

Prime minister Boris Johnson announced the UK would officially go into lockdown. People were told to stay at home and make no unnecessary journeys or social contact.




1st May 2021

Israel-Palestine Crisis

A 2-week outbreak of violence including protests, riots and rocket attacks were triggered by the Supreme Court of Israel’s planned decision to evict six Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah.


22nd May 2017

Manchester Arena Terror Attack

An Islamist extremist suicide bomber detonated a homemade bomb as concertgoers were leaving the Manchester Arena following a concert by Ariana Grande.

25th May 2020

Murder of George Floyd

46-year-old George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis, US by police officer Derek Chauvin. Floyd’s death sparked worldwide protests against racial injustice and police brutality.



1st June 2019

Australian Bushfire Season

Billions of animals were killed or displaced and thousands of homes were destroyed as enormous bushfires engulfed Australia's coastal regions of Victoria and New South Wales.

3rd June 2017

London Bridge Terrorist Attack

Eight people were killed and 48 injured when terrorists drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge before launching a knife attack at Borough Market.



7th July 2005

London Bombings

Four coordinated suicide attacks were carried out by Islamist terrorists in London, specifically targeting commuters travelling on London Underground trains and a bus during the morning rush hour.


4th August 2011

Shooting of Mark Duggan

The fatal shooting of 29-year-old Mark Duggan by police led to riots across London and other major English cities.


5th August 2020

Explosion at Port of Beirut

Over 200 people were killed and 7,000 injured when 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded at the Port of Beirut in the capital city of Lebanon.

15th August 2021

Taliban Takeover Kabul

Following an accelerated sweep across the country, Taliban gunmen successfully captured Afghanistan's capital city, Kabul.

15th August 2019

Killing of PC Andrew Harper

PC Harper was dragged behind a car for a mile after responding to a report of a burglary. Hundreds of people attend his funeral procession.

16th August 2021

Storm Henri

Storm Henri brought heavy rainfall over the Northeastern United States and New England, causing widespread flooding in cities such as New York City and Boston.

17th August 2020

California Wildfires

Governor Gavin Newsom declares a state of emergency as hundreds of wildfires engulfed California, burning through over a million acres of land.

26th August 2021

Hurricane Ida

Hurricane Ida killed 115 people and became the second-most damaging and intense hurricane to make landfall in Louisiana, US on record, behind Hurricane Katrina in 2005.



11th September 2001

September 11 Terrorist Attacks

A series of airline hijackings and suicide attacks were committed by Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda against US targets killing nearly 3,000 people.

13th September 2021

Insulate Britain protests

Insulate Britain Protestors obstructed traffic and blockaded the M25 and other motorways in the UK, as well as London roads and the Port of Dover.



1st October 1987

Black History Month

Black History Month recognises the contributions that people of African and Caribbean backgrounds have made to the UK over many generations.

2nd October 2021

California Oil Spill

Tens of thousands of gallons of crude oil spilt into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Southern California, caused by a leak in a pipeline owned by Amplify Energy.

4th October

World Animal Day

A social movement raising the status of animals and campaigning for their rights in order to improve welfare standards around the globe.

17th October 2021

Kerala Floods

More than 25 people were killed in Kerala, Southern India as heavy rain caused flash floods and landslides.



5th November 2021

Astroworld Festival Crowd Crush

10 people were killed in a crowd crush during the first night of the 2021 Astroworld Festival founded by American rapper Travis Scott.

13th November 1919

Remembrance Sunday

Commemorates the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in World Wars 1, 2, and later conflicts.

13th November 2015

Paris Terrorist Attacks

Islamist terrorist gunmen and suicide bombers hit a concert hall, a major stadium and restaurants, killing 130 civilians in Paris France.


5th December 2021

Storm Barra

Thousands were left without power as Storm Barra swept through Ireland and the United Kingdom with damaging gusts and heavy rainfall.


8th December 2020

First UK COVID-19 vaccine

First Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine administered at University Hospital in Coventry.

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